Archives: 27 Agosto 2020



Social selling is about building relationship.. not just pipelines

keep calm and come back at work… again!

keep calm and come back at work… again!

The summer holiday season is coming to an end and we need to come back at work. It’s not the end of the world but going back to look at your emails can be exhausting: There’s nothing like a stressing post-holiday days to make you wish you’d chucked it all and opened a bar in front…

Enjoy your summer holidays and have fun!

Enjoy your summer holidays and have fun!

As every year summer comes. The first half of the year has gone, it’s time to think about what was done, how it was done and to plan the fall-winter job. But first to recharge the batteries! Enjoy your summer holidays, have fun!



Attack is the secret of defense, defense is the planning of an attack

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