Archives: 31 Agosto 2017



Be a good listener, encourage others to talk about themselves

Are you smart enough to work at Google?

Are you smart enough to work at Google?

The book of the month is… Are you smart enough to work at Google guides readers through the solutions to dozens of the most challenging interview questions asked during the Google’s interview. You can understand their tecniques and how to start thinking out of the box. An example of the puzzle you will read is:…

keep calm and come back at work

keep calm and come back at work

  The summer holiday season is coming to an end and we need to come back at work. It’s not the end of the world but going back to look at your emails can be exhausting: There’s nothing like a stressing post-holiday days to make you wish you’d chucked it all and opened a bar in…



Failure is a prerequisite to learning

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