Posts Tagged “article”

No YES Man at work!

No YES Man at work!

The YES MAN is a person who agrees with everything their employer, superiors, leader, etc. says in order to please them (no matter what his or her own personal beliefs are). For many people, working at an organization means always saying “yes”. This attitude can be very dangerous for the good management of a company….

Public speaking – 8 basic rules

Public speaking – 8 basic rules

There is no single formula for a great talk – Chris Anderson From 2017 we started a path with the company aimed at improving and strengthening the soft skills of the consulting department with regard to issues related to public speaking. Thanks to Agnese Salvagno, our teacher, we have understood that everyone must find their…

Distribution Channels: Understanding and Managing Channels to Market

Distribution Channels: Understanding and Managing Channels to Market

The book of the month is Distribution Channel written by Julian Dent, heads VIA International, a consultancy that helps corporations and franchisers manage their distribution channels.   Distribution represents about 50% of the activities of almost every industry and is critical to a company’s success. Distribution is about accessing and servicing markets and customers, controlling brands, creating differentiation,…

Sell with players… a business model for the partner’s channel

Sell with players… a business model for the partner’s channel

The first 2018 Siav sales meeting for clients took place in Bologna 2 weeks ago, inside the beautiful Lamborghini’s museum. The event was aimed at our direct customers, the company’s main business model. Thinking about it I started asking me: if it had been turned to partners how was it supposed to be? What is…

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