English is the most widespread language and now travel abroad without knowing English it seems impossible. Italy is always the tail light for knowledge of English among its population but things are also changing thanks to the original TV programs, internet, apps for smartphone, among which duolingo, podcast, online radio and courses / masters promoted through web platforms (such as Udemy or Coursera).
In my case think I’m a little bit strange because I need to speak in English or to read in English and there was one question that was turning on my head:
How can we improve our English in a funny and light way?
After several chats, the solution came: an english lunch between colleagues. From this idea was born our weekly one hour and a half meeting during which we eat together, talk about news and other things, always in English.
There is no professor or rapporteur, all are equal
So… how to creat it? How to sart? Simply:
- create a mailing list to inform people about the meeting and location;
- create a shared folder where posting the material on the topic of the meeting;
- choose the day;
- choose the location;
- send the mail.
Since we started this project in March, we did not miss a meeting. The number of participants varies according to availability but we never cease to learn new things improve.