The book of the month is…

Who killed change?written by Ken Blanchard, John Britt, Pat Zigarmi and Judd Hoekstra, talks about change management. Through an interesting “Agatha Christie” style, it teaches the managers of organizations how to cooperate with change successfully.

“Change can be successful only when the usual characters in an organization combine their unique talents and consistently involve others in initiating, implementing and sustaining change”

The story begins describing a murder scene of Mr. Change. Agent Mike McNally investigates the crime scene and makes a list of 13 suspects that he thinks are the most commonly involved culprits in the murder of Change:

  1. Culture;
  2. Commitment;
  3. Sponsorship;
  4. Change leadership team;
  5. Communication;
  6. Urgency;
  7. Vision;
  8. Plan;
  9. Budget;
  10. Trainer;
  11. Incentive;
  12. Performance management;
  13. Accountability.

The characters identified as suspects are unique in names and descriptions but we can easily relate to them and spot them in any organization we work. In addition to all the 13 suspects, the author talks about 4 more characters, the stakeholders, and how they view the death of change.

When leaders do not walk the talk, employees are unable to feel the urgency to embrace change.

Through this fun and clever murder mystery, the book teaches the managers to understand the dynamics operating in a company that kill change. The managers need to realize that each of the dynamics in the organization has to work together for change to succeed. Through the book, readers can start thinking of the change they are involved in, the projects they are working on, and then develop a quick sense of how well the project is working and what are the areas for improvement.

The same factors that lead to the death of organizations, if exercise their power rightfully, can help change thrive in the organizations